We have inserted a custom mediation primitive named Router, and wired the Input node to its input terminal, as expected. 我们插入了一个名为Router的自定义中介元素,并按预期将Input节点连接到其输入终端。
Work from left to right: first create the first primitive you intend to use and wire it up to the input node. 从左向右工作:首先创建您想要使用的第一个原语,并将其连接到输入节点。
Now that you have a description of the invocation styles provided by the underlying SCA programming model, let's look at how these styles are used by a mediation flow component when using a service invoke primitive or a Callout node to invoke a service. 现在已经描述了基础SCA程序模型提供的调用样式,让我们看一看当使用服务调用原语或Callout节点调用服务时,中介流组件如何使用这些样式的。